Key Aspects
Community Involvement and Ownership
Education and Programs
Inclusion and Outreach
Diversity and Culture
Art and Creativity
Tech and Science
Continuous Change and Growth
Adaptation to Community Needs
Performance and Events
Civic Responsibility and Leave no Trace
The Amphitheater - A key component
Possibly this might interest the Shakespeare Festival, The Philharmonic, Ballet Idaho, and other performance groups.
Provides an inside "Outside" stage in a 4.5 acre tropical bio dome for year-round enjoyment. A park in the center for standing and seating.
Music and celebratory events possible
Farmer's Market​
Garden to Table Restaurant
Local Product Store(s)
Local Bar/Brewery/Winery
Educational Facilities
Cultural Spaces
Entertainment Spaces
Terrain and Adventure components

General Proposal of 15-40 acres
The grand plan would be to create a 4.5 acre dome (500' diameter), which could house the performance center and stage (depicted here as a rectangle). The performance center might be a key piece and grow to accommodate.
The center would be a park with interactive works. The periphery would be tropical gardens, water features, and terrain to hike and levels to explore.
The additional domes should be available for community education, arts, sciences, tech, creative endeavors, and cultural events. Expositions and outreach programs.
The community gardens, greenhouses, and display or specialty gardens should also allow for changes and needs.
The goal here is to blend community input, existing educational institutions, and programs that might like greater space to get on board and benefit.
Original Concept Art
(to see the evolution)